What does it take to get things done?
I have always been able to talk a good game. The real deal is being able to execute effectively each and every day. I have decided to blog here on my personal webpage to share my deepest and innermost thoughts. Well, maybe not that “deep and innermost,” but you get the idea. I want to share a little insight into who Randy Wilburn is and what he is all about.
Who I am.
I turned 50 this year and I decided that now was as good a time as any to get motivated and really intentional about sharing all of the things that I feel on the inside.
The stories that are my fuel. And, most importantly what I want to leave here on this Earth as a legacy for others to benefit from. I have three boys and an amazing marriage so that is part of the legacy that I’m sharing with the world.
And, I have a book in me and I want to get it out.
I recently got a Book Coach to walk me through the process. He’s actually more of a Transformational Coach as he calls it but he is helping me see things in myself that were deep below the surface.
His name is Azul Terronez and I learned about him through my buddy Pat Flynn. He was on Pat’s podcast earlier this year and I was riveted by Azul’s story. Fast forward to this past Summer and I actually got to meet Azul and his husband Steve at a Podcast Movement event in Orlando thanks to my good friend, Donald Kelly.
It was a great week of connecting and learning from Podcasters from all walks of life. Meeting with Azul has turned out to be the highlight of that trip. Just by listening and providing some pretty simple exercises he has awoke things in me that I never knew I had. I am still formulating my book ideas and process but suffice it to say I am on the right path.
If only I can stay motivated and keep my eyes on the prize. That shouldn’t be too difficult but I am human after all and I’m susceptible to falling down during the process. And, when that happens I’m going to get back up and keep pushing forward. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve decided to be so transparent here and share my journey with others on this Blog.
As I get free and achieve some success and momentum it may help someone else out in the process. That is usually how it works. Right?!?
Anyway, that’s what I have for now. I am working with Azul on a regular basis to flesh out my ideas for the book and as I make progress I will share here on the blog. There are so many other people that are inspiring me on this journey and it starts with my best friend and wife, Nicola. The boys come next and they are the foundation of “My Why!”
Everyone must have a “Why,” otherwise you lose sight of the goal and the goal post keeps moving further away. My immediate family serves as the greatest inspiration for me.
I will be sharing more about others both alive and dead that have played a big part in who I am. They are my fuel as well.
I’m doing this blog for no one else but me. However, if you are motivated by what I share then great!
Let’s get it done!
I’ll talk to you soon.
Photo by Carl Cerstrand on Unsplash